Sunday, 26 April 2009

the end of an era

Well athough these posts have been speradic at best it is finally time for me to move on, the final reason for me to be in this place has ceaced to be, and there is nothing left for me here.

Looking back on the past year and a bit I would have to say that i have made more than a few mistakes, and i leave with more than one regrett, but as time moves on so must I.

I have only a little time left to wait before i can leave, a few close friends to see before i go and a very small bag of bits and peices to take with me.

Jakarta is a city for those people who can put up with the constant frustrations of the indonesian way, and that candle has burnt very low for me, Once again i have been schooled in the art of paicents, and although there have been moments where i could have entertained the thought of satying here for longer the negatives of the city overwhelm all of the positives and as such unless you really have a good reason to stay i would say dont!